We specialize in technical hotel projects.
Check off any of the following that apply to your hotel
Does your hotel have an indoor pool?
Do the odor from the pool fill up the hallways?
Does your housekeeping crew have to constantly clean the tubs and tile to remove mildew?
Do you have inconsistent temperatures on corridors?
Does the main lobby feel like a wind tunnel, too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer?
Do you have problems getting hot water to guest rooms? Do your guests often complain that the water is too hot?
Are your domestic hot water boilers old and in the need of replacement?
Does your capitol budget plan to replace any heating or cooling equipment within the next three years?
Is your kitchen exhaust system balanced with the make-up air, and are the two systems interlocked?
Does your hotel have a smoke exhaust system? Is it in operational order?
Do your HVAC units have outdoor air economizers? Are they in operational order?
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, your hotel contact us for help!
We can fix all of that!